Be a boss at everything you do when you channel the energy of Tiger’s Eye, the ultimate power crystal in the world of gemstones. For all the dreamers who have been put in a cage either by other people or their own self-doubt, the Tiger’s eye crystal is the zookeeper that's going to set you free. When it comes to negative emotions like fear and self-loathing, thoughts are not your friends. But the Tiger’s Eye crystal meaning helps keep it all in perspective. With an aesthetic as bold and intense as its healing properties, Tiger’s Eye crystal helps balance toxic emotions by keeping the mind razor-focused on your true desires.
Resonating with the solar plexus chakra and the planet Mars, the Tiger’s Eye stone meaning gives us a basic lesson in economics – the more productive you are the more money you make. Tiger’s Eye is a money stone because it gives you the motivation to make it happen. Keep the stone in your office or studio and call on it for inspiration when you get stuck in a negative thought pattern. Hold the Tiger’s Eye in your hand and let it be the spiritual espresso that sparks your creative drive.
When it comes to career success, it’s all about timing. Use Tiger’s Eye healing properties to focus on your prey, form your strategy of attack, and wait for the perfect moment to pounce. Tigers might be the largest feline in the world, but they still allow lions to be kings of the jungle. Channeling a powerful medicine, Tiger’s Eye crystal healing properties teaches us to live with integrity by encouraging the balance of power. Instead of competing with others to stay on top, Tiger’s Eye allows us to climb that career mountain and aim for the stars on our own terms.
Without fear or anxiety holding you back, unlock hidden talents with the Tiger’s Eye crystal stone, which is known for stoking the fires of passion deep within the loins. If you're feeling creatively stuck or spiritually adrift, Tiger’s Eye serves as your spiritual compass that guides you towards the light, helping you harness the powers of the universe in whatever you set out to do, whether it's matters of the heart or the boldest career ambitions.
Channel the powerful energy of Tiger’s Eye by gazing at its shimmery luster that resembles a cat's-eye when turned in the light. Also called ‘chatoyancy,’ the French word for 'cat,' Tiger’s Eye crystal properties help fuel the fire of your passions when you quietly meditate with the stone on a daily basis. An excellent healing grid for dreamers, the combination of Tiger’s Eye and Citrine is the ultimate power cocktail in crystal healing.
If your head is stuck in the clouds, combine the Tiger’s Eye crystal with Citrine for a healing crystal tonic that works to boost your motivation. Bring abundance and good luck with a Tiger’s Eye point, which should be placed on your nightstand. Place four Citrine stones in a healing layout, creating a union of energies enhanced by sacred geometry.
Whatever goal you want to manifest, whether it's sipping mai tais on an island paradise or buying a Birkin bag, transform your dreams into reality by stating an intention. Keep it simple and realistic by setting a goal for what you'd like to achieve in the next 10 days. Every morning, wake up to a new day and reconnect with your intention every time you look at the grid. During this 10 day period, the combination of Tiger’s Eye crystal properties and Citrine works to build up commitment and will power to keep moving forward. Tiger’s Eye and Citrine are stones of self-empowerment. Their healing vibrations remind us that great things come from hard work, perseverance, and a loud roar of the jungle. The road to happiness and success might be paved with difficulties but often leads to beautiful destinations.
With the Tiger's Eye stone as your personal life coach, harness the strength of a Bengal tiger and face the world with a mighty roar. The Tiger’s Eye stone meaning gives you the strength to stop dreaming and the courage to start living. Just like melancholy CCR lyrics, someday never comes, so let Tigers’s Eye light the fire of your soul and hedge your bets on that exhilarating fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants enthusiasm inspired by the notion of carpe diem. Tiger’s Eye encourages you to take the leap into the unknown with a rebellious play-by-your-own-rules attitude.
Tiger’s Eye encourages us to go outside of our comfort zone, giving us the chance to grow, change, and transform into our true selves. For all those character building moments when you have to really shine, beat out the competition at your next interview, work presentation, or audition by meditating on the powers of Tiger’s Eye as you hold it in your palm and contemplate your fate.
The path to your dreams and aspirations might be road blocked by lots of 'no’s' but Tiger’s Eye reminds us that all it takes is one 'yes' to make all your dreams come true.
Information Credit: https://www.energymuse.com